Sandra Costen Kunz
Trinity Theological Seminary, Legon, Ghana
Having taught practical theology at Phillips Theological Seminary (Tulsa, US) and Trinity Theological Seminary (Legon, Ghana), Sandra Kunz retired at the end of 2021. She works part-time, or has in the past, at Trinity, Princeton and Lexington theological seminaries and Yale’s divinity school. In light of this planet’s last two years, she’s updating Job: A Mystery Play, her full-length play with music that Princeton Theological Seminary produced in 2001. She studies: a) using drama in cross-cultural biblical interpretation and Christian discernment, b) Christians adapting spiritual discernment and teaching practices, especially Buddhist, African, and American indigenous practices, c) Buddhist-Christian-neuroscience trialogue about discernment.
Since 2007 she’s served as SBCS secretary, publishing yearly in Buddhist-Christian Studies, including “Respecting the Boundaries of Knowledge: Teaching Christian Discernment with Humility and Dignity” (2011). Other publications in the field include: “Circling Back with Fresh Eyes: Christians Teaching Buddhist Practices for Peace at Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation,” in A Passion for Christian Unity, 2009, and “Thich Nhat Hanh’s ‘Buddhist-Christian Vision’ for Rebuilding Hope” in The Routledge Handbook of Buddhist-Christian Studies (forthcoming, 2023).