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Congratulations to the 2024 Winners

of the Frederick J. Streng Award for Excellence in Buddhist-Christian Studies

carol anderson and thomas cattoi

The Routledge Handbook of Buddhist-Christian Studies

 (Routledge, 2023)

The 2024 Frederick J. Streng award for excellence in Buddhist-Christian Studies has been given to Carol Anderson and Thomas Cattoi, for their co-edited volume, The Routledge Handbook of Buddhist-Christian Studies. Carol S. Anderson is Professor of Religion at Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI and Thomas Cattoi is Professor of Early Christian Theology and Interreligious Relations at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome. Their work provides an outstanding overview of the current state of Buddhist-Christian Studies with regard to theory and method, historical perspective, contemporary conversations, practical engagement and education, and constructive reflections. The work will provide indispensable orientation for all those interested in this field for decades to come. 


Nominations now Open for the

2025 Frederick J. Streng Award for Excellence

in Buddhist-Christian Studies


The Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies is now receiving nominations for the 2025 Frederick Streng Book Award for Excellence in Buddhist-Christian Studies. Nominations must be received by March 1, 2025.
The criteria for nominating and making the award are:

  1. The subject matter of the book should be inspired by and relevant to Buddhist-Christian relations, but subject matter is not narrowly limited to books on dialogue or to books that are half on Christianity and half on Buddhism.

  2. The scholarship must be original and the writing clear. The book must make an important contribution to issues relevant to the context of Buddhist-Christian dialogue.

  3. Books can be considered for nomination within five years of their publication date (i.e. the 2025 award must be for a book published in 2020 or later).

Nominations can be made by any person, by contacting Mark Heim ( Nominations should include book volume title, author’s full name, publisher, year of publication, and a brief letter of support regarding the nomination. Also, full contact information should be included for the person making the nomination, including institutional affiliation (if applicable). Publishers of books must be willing to supply review copies to members of the committee for evaluation in order for the book to be considered. Questions should be directed to Mark Heim via email.