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chera jo watts

Doctoral Student, University of Georgia

Chera Jo Watts is a mother, writer, scholar, and interdisciplinary scholar enrolled in the Religion doctoral program at The University of Georgia. Her degrees include a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Master of Arts in Religion, and Graduate Certificate in African American Studies from The University of Georgia. Her research interests explore Womanist Buddhist dialogue, blended or blending religious practices, and the intersections of race, religion, gender, socio-economic status, and sexuality as it pertains to higher education access and attainment. As the Executive Associate for Digital Services, she’s charged with assisting the membership committee and members with questions, curating and posting website content, facilitating and co-editing blog posts, managing SBCS social media, and other tasks as assigned by the Governing Board. Chera Jo joined the SBCS team in February 2020, and though her role supports the Board, she is not a voting member.