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Board Officers & Committee Chairs

At-large Board Members

International Advisors

committee members


Executive Committee:

Vice President:  Julius-Kei Kato

President:  Carolyn Jones Medine

Past President:  Mark Unno

Secretary:  Sandra Kunz

Program Committee:

Vice President: Julius-Kei Kato, Chair

President:  Carolyn Jones Medine

Journal Co-Editors:  Thomas Cattoi and Kristin Largen

Nomination Committee:

President:  Carolyn Jones Medine, Chair

Vice President:  Julius-Kei Kato

Past President:  Mark Unno

Secretary:  Sandra Kunz

Membership Committee:

Jonathan Seitz (as Chair of Social Media Committee), Co-Chair

Mark Unno, Co-Chair

Hsiao Lan Hu

Julius-Kei Kato

Streng Book Award Committee: 

(Vacant), Chair

Elizabeth Tyler

Christina Atienza

Duane Bidwell

Stephanie Wong

Social Media and Website Committee:

Jonathan Seitz, Chair

Stephanie Wong

Julius-Kei Kato

Won-Jae Hur

Alaina Keller 

oral history and archives Committee:

Sandra Kunz, Chair

Mark Unno

Ruben Habito

Leo Lefebure

Judith Simmer-Brown